Take the next step to turn your career vision into reality.


There are two ways we can work together to achieve your career goals. One option is the "Power Hour(s)" package and another is the "Immersive Breakthrough" package. Read more below to find out which package is right for you. 


Power Hour(s) Package

If you have a very focused career goal that can be achieved in a short-period of time, then this package is for you. Examples of focused career goals include resume review, interview prep and/or negotiation practice. 

People who identify as 'job seekers' typically select this package. 

With this package, you get: 

  • 1 (or more) 60-min coaching session via phone, video call or in-person (for those in the NYC area!) 
  • Comprehensive written recap of session
  • One-time phone or email support following session 


Immersive Breakthrough Package

If you have a broad goal of growing in your career or finding a new career that's more meaningful, then this package is for you. Examples of broad career goals include identifying your passions and/or new career path, getting clarity on your job search strategy, increasing your visibility and/or networking with senior leaders. 

People who identify as "career climbers or changers" typically select this package. 

With this package, you get: 

  • (6) or (12) 60-min coaching sessions via phone, video call or in-person (for those in the NYC area!) 
  • Personal vision statement 
  • Comprehensive written recap of each session 
  • Customized action plan 
  • Ongoing email support between sessions 


Still not sure which package is right for you? No worries. Let's talk and figure it out together?