How I was able to FloForward and turn my career vision into reality!
It Was All A Dream…
I started my career working at the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi. I loved first! I worked on beauty brands, got all kinds of free(!) products, and traveled the world for client meetings and multi-million dollar commercial shoots. I got promoted, started managing people, and started making real money...enough that I could afford to buy drinks even when it wasn’t happy hour. I was living the dream...
...And Then I Woke Up…
I remember the day I realized advertising wasn’t the right career for me. I had moved on to another agency, Ogilvy & Mather, working on a food account - a condiment to be specific. We were preparing for a client meeting and spent two hours debating whether to use the word “joy” or “pleasure” in a presentation. Yes. Two hours. Debating “joy” vs. “pleasure”. We were talking about a condiment...and that condiment was mayo!
Things went downhill pretty fast after that. I got a new job working at another ad agency thinking that working on a different type of account was the answer. Nope. I was unhappy with what I was doing and questioned where my career was going.
Pivotal Moment #1
I realized it was time for me to try something else. I was willing to do anything, but first I did what most people do: I updated my resume and applied to just about every job I could.
I was lucky enough to land a job at Google working in sales! Things were great in the beginning - they always are, right!?! I was working in a new industry, developing new skills and getting a better sense of my strengths and weaknesses. (I was also getting a lot of free food!) In addition to learning what I’m good at, I also learned what I’m passionate about and what I find meaningful.
And it wasn’t sales.
My Aha Moment…
I’d been lucky enough to continue working at Google, but transitioned from sales to training. I worked on a leadership development program where I coached and mentored 70+ people with varying career goals. I helped them:
- Build personal brands
- Improve their presentation and communication skills
- Be more confident and proactive going after leadership opportunities
- Decide which direction to take their career
This was it! After 10+ years, I'd found my passion!
Pivotal Moment #2…
Thinking back on my experience managing this program, the best part of the job was the one-on-one conversations I had with others, providing them with career advice, helping them identify what they’re really good at, giving advice on where they can improve, and helping them decide what to do next in their career.
This was the moment when I decided career coaching was for me. I work with clients in a variety of ways, from helping them feel confident going into interviews to helping them identify and transition into a new career opportunity. My clients are creatives, marketers, consultants, attorneys, entrepreneurs, and range from entry-level to middle management.
I could go on (and on) about the ways in which I helped my clients but I’m sure it’s more credible coming from them.
Click below to read what my clients have to say about their experience.